Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Have A Nice Day

He's wrestled, he's written autobiographies, novels, and children's books, and now, he'll be on a sitcom. Mick Foley is just trying to do it all! According to PWInsider, Mick is proposing a sitcom where he plays an exaggerated version of himself. As of now, there is hopes that SpikeTV will be interested in this proposed show since Mick is currently associated with TNA and TNA airs on Spike. He is a fairly famous name from wrestling, having made numerous cameos in TV shows in the past. It will be interesting if the show gets put into production and picked up. And if it does, if it generates any interest. Mick Foley/Cactus Jack/Dude Love is a throwback name for people who used to watch wrestling and don't anymore. Therefore, it is a good chance that it will bring in people who were wrestling fans in the past. Many other wrestlers have made appearances on TV shows, but recently, its been newer names, so it doesn't generate the same kind of interest, espeically because it doesn't have the same type of popularity as it did 10 years ago. They have also put wrestlers in movies, and outside of The Rock, that hasn' been too successful. For anyone to do a project such as this, I think that Mick Foley is the perfect person. Not to mention, he's a hell of a character and a guy!


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