Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From VP Candidate to Inside the Wrestling Ring?

TNA has invited Governor Sarah Palin to the Final Resolution pay-per-view in Orlando, FL on December 7th. Dixie Carter, President of TNA, said that she would personally fly in Governor Palin and her husband so that they could have a "Sarah Palin Ceremony" during the show. They would make her an honorary member of the female tag team "The Beautiful People" as well as an honorary TNA knockout (the name for all of the female wrestlers at TNA). If Governor Palin agrees to do this, TNA has agreed to donate $50,000 to the charity of her choice, or a youth hockey association in Wasilla, AK.

This is quite a marketing campaign by TNA here. Considering the all the media outlets Sarah Palin has put herself on lately, it was very good timing for them to put this offer out. And it's a great offer for them to donate to a charity of her choice if she comes. It shows that they can branch outside of the world of wrestling and sports personalities they have previous invited (ex. Johnny Damon, A.J. Pyrzenski). Furthermore, linking a charity donation to the appearance puts the company in a good light, for they aren't yet known for their chairty work. One more point - it also makes you wonder if they're doing better financially, since they are able to hand off that amount of money. In the past, they've always been known as a company with money problems. Personally, I don't think that Governor Palin would go to the pay-per-view. Wrestling is viewed so negatively by the general public. However, I would LOVE to be proven wrong and see her there. She would potentially get some viewers who wouldn't necessarily buy the show just to see her in a ring, as well as a chance to have a generous donation made to a chairty.


1 comment:

Kayla Frost said...

I defiantly agree that having Gov. Palin at a wrestling event would gain more viewers. It would be intriguing to see how she acted and reacted to the event. From a political stand point it could be suicide though. The media circus to follow would chew her up and spit her out with barely even mentioning that she went to it as a charity event.