Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Wrestler

Ok. This movie is something I'm REALLY excited for. It is a little off topic from any wrestling on television, however, it will be incredible exposure for the business itself. The movie poster had been released the other week, and more recently, the official trailer for the movie. The only film about wrestling that has been made is Ready to Rumble. Now, I've seen that movie, and I was pretty much embarrassed to be a wrestling fan after watching it. It had stereotypical fans and wrestlers in it. But whatever, it's Hollywood. That's what they wanted to portray to try and make money.

The Wrestler, on the other hand, is doing something completely different. Darren Aronofsky is giving the audience a real look at wrestling, and where the wrestler comes from and what he goes through. This isn't the TV world and pretty world of wrestling. It's the side that the rest of the world doesn't see. In this movie, Aronofsky tells the story of a once famous wrestler's comeback to the ring and the sacrifices he's made in his life along the way. Mickey Rourke fits the role of Randy "The Ram" Robinson SO well. I love his look and the acting I've seen so far.

Now, this might not do anything for the WWE. It might not do anything for TNA. I'm not sure if viewers of the movie will think to look at either of those companies after seeing it. What I'm really interested in seeing is if it does anything for the independent wrestling companies that were used while filming this movie. In the trailer, you see banners for the three companies that helped out - WXW, CZW and ROH. Personally, I'm really excited because I work for ROH, and I really hope this helps expose the company more. It is one that is on the brink of possibly being big one day, but they can't really do anything else to get to the next level without blowing tons of money. Exposure from this movie could potentially do worlds for the company. The big match that the entire movie builds up to occured at a ROH show. You see the name plastered everywhere during it. It will also be interesting if anything happens for any of the wrestlers that were used as extras during the movie and if they get anything out of it.

I go to independent wrestling shows at least 2 weekends out of every month. What is being shown in this movie is stuff that I see all the time - it's practically my life (minus me wrestling). I know guys like Randy "The Ram." For their sake, for the wrestlers sake, it's nice that this side is being shown. Anyways, December can't get here soon enough. I know I'll be there on opening night. Here's the trailer!

Article about the movie:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Have A Nice Day

He's wrestled, he's written autobiographies, novels, and children's books, and now, he'll be on a sitcom. Mick Foley is just trying to do it all! According to PWInsider, Mick is proposing a sitcom where he plays an exaggerated version of himself. As of now, there is hopes that SpikeTV will be interested in this proposed show since Mick is currently associated with TNA and TNA airs on Spike. He is a fairly famous name from wrestling, having made numerous cameos in TV shows in the past. It will be interesting if the show gets put into production and picked up. And if it does, if it generates any interest. Mick Foley/Cactus Jack/Dude Love is a throwback name for people who used to watch wrestling and don't anymore. Therefore, it is a good chance that it will bring in people who were wrestling fans in the past. Many other wrestlers have made appearances on TV shows, but recently, its been newer names, so it doesn't generate the same kind of interest, espeically because it doesn't have the same type of popularity as it did 10 years ago. They have also put wrestlers in movies, and outside of The Rock, that hasn' been too successful. For anyone to do a project such as this, I think that Mick Foley is the perfect person. Not to mention, he's a hell of a character and a guy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From VP Candidate to Inside the Wrestling Ring?

TNA has invited Governor Sarah Palin to the Final Resolution pay-per-view in Orlando, FL on December 7th. Dixie Carter, President of TNA, said that she would personally fly in Governor Palin and her husband so that they could have a "Sarah Palin Ceremony" during the show. They would make her an honorary member of the female tag team "The Beautiful People" as well as an honorary TNA knockout (the name for all of the female wrestlers at TNA). If Governor Palin agrees to do this, TNA has agreed to donate $50,000 to the charity of her choice, or a youth hockey association in Wasilla, AK.

This is quite a marketing campaign by TNA here. Considering the all the media outlets Sarah Palin has put herself on lately, it was very good timing for them to put this offer out. And it's a great offer for them to donate to a charity of her choice if she comes. It shows that they can branch outside of the world of wrestling and sports personalities they have previous invited (ex. Johnny Damon, A.J. Pyrzenski). Furthermore, linking a charity donation to the appearance puts the company in a good light, for they aren't yet known for their chairty work. One more point - it also makes you wonder if they're doing better financially, since they are able to hand off that amount of money. In the past, they've always been known as a company with money problems. Personally, I don't think that Governor Palin would go to the pay-per-view. Wrestling is viewed so negatively by the general public. However, I would LOVE to be proven wrong and see her there. She would potentially get some viewers who wouldn't necessarily buy the show just to see her in a ring, as well as a chance to have a generous donation made to a chairty.