Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tribute to the Troops 2008

The WWE crew landed in Iraq today for their sixth annual Tribute to the Troops show that they hold. For the past five years, the company has gone overseas to visit the men and women serving over there. It is always a completely volunteer trip for everyone involved, from the wrestlers to the production crew. As of right now, the confirmed Superstars on the trip are the following: John Cena, Batista, Lilian Garcia, Maria, Alicia Fox, Mickie James, Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, The Miz, Cryme Time, Chad Patton, John Cone, Jeff Hardy, Michael Cole and Joey Styles.

This yearly show is such a great event for the WWE. They go so out of their way to visit the soldiers that are kept so far away from home, especially this time of year. They try to bring a little bit of enjoyment their way. While there, they put on a show for them, but they also make individual visits to military installations and do autograph signings as well as visits to the injured men and women in the hospitals there. It is also a great way for exposure for the company and the people in it. It shows the public that these aren't just guys that like to dress in spandex and hit each other with chairs, but they do good for others when given to opportunity. It also is a chance for them to possibly get new fans. I mean, the people there are grateful for the WWE coming, so I bet that they'll continue to follow the product to some extent, especially if they had a special interaction with any of the members of the company. In 2006, the WWE received the Secretary of Defense Exceptional Public Service Award, so they are nicely recognized by the government for this trip. This year, the show will on December 20th on NBC at 9 pm.

I've enjoyed watching the shows over the years. I'm looking forward to the 20th.

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